
Alla inlägg under mars 2012

Av Cecilia Jäder - 21 mars 2012 18:38

Work in progress...

Hush little knight, dont cry
I'll hold you tonight, let me whipe them tears dry

The darkness is not a bad thing
its all part of nature, like winter turning to spring

Its a sign for this kingdome it's time to rest
A sign for the animals to cuddle close in their nest
and let their dreams take them on a new quest
Maby they go to Nimalia, to find the golden crest

When darkness embrace this land
and the sun is about to be banned
it has all been pre planned
and the sunset is a vision so grand
you really have to see it first hand

It wont be given justice in any picture book
the real thing will have u take both a 2nd and 3rd look

Its a sight that will make you warm inside
when the sun gets swallowed by the nights tide
But dont worry the sun only hide
It comes up soon again on the other side
and it has to go cause it cant shine worldwide
those who reside on the other side also want the sun to provide

That ghoslike shriek from the forrest clearing
is nothing that should have you tearing
Ill tell you what it is you are fearing

The sound is a doe calling the kids to her
so they come home and she can wash their fur
If she didnt call she wouldnt know where they were
and like any mother she dont want that to occure

And that rasping sound behind the shed
is just a hedgehog getting out of bed

Cause nighttime is his time to be awake
and he works hard every night much for our sake
cause he clears our lawn of every little snake
That he is up at night is no misstake

When morning comes he goes back to bed
burrows himself deep in that leaf heap
But for now its your turn to go to sleep

And we all have to sleep to regain our strenght
our bodies wernt built to be awake for infinate lenght

We need sleep as much as we need to eat
its all to keep us on our feet
if we dont, our energy will depleat
and our bodies would admit defeat

Ive checked the closet and under the bed
nothing there you need to dread
Now let me kiss you on your forhead
and lets get our I love you's said

In a few hours a new day will be dawning
and I know you are tired because your yawning
If you want I can stay untill morning
when the alarm will wake us with its warning

Good night little prince, sleep tight
its not long now befor we see the morning light
Av Cecilia Jäder - 14 mars 2012 21:30

Stupid of me to think we were done with this game
I let you back in, got no one to blame
Said you changed yet remained the same
A to familiar picture in this fuckin frame

Fool me once, shame on you
do it again and I say thank you
given me the excuse for what Im about to do
Not one hand, but two
twice over Fuck you
an' all your bitches too

Thinkin you are some hot shot cassanova
Watsh yourself, this bitch is about to go supernova

I'm a black widow, poisonous as it get
an' your causing vibrations in my net
think your all that, but I see no threat
Im a veteran at this game, your just a cadet
Unlike you Im not scared of getting wet
You'll soon be wishing we never met


I severed the strings cause you cant have it all
Wernt doing it right you dropped the ball
Look like a ragdoll specially when you crawl
your lucky you havent got a knee in your abdominal wall
Thought I would fall, but I still stand tall

I may be petit, doesnt meen Im always sweet
you treat me like a pice of meat
think I will accept when you continue to cheat
You havent seen heat untill youve been in my hotseat
Shift Delete, purge complete, just admit defeat
So over you, got liftoff on both feet
An' you are still stuck in the concrete

Thought you had me in a corner, but to this game I'm no foreigner
I can be a charmer, a real heart warmer
but I also have unbreakable armor, an' Im the best preformer
Inside me live a giant transformer, the world reformer

How do you feel within, when I so easly get under your skin
Got your head in a spin, I win befor I even begin


Game is over, Im fuckin done
The love game just cant be won
Mind set on just having some fun
Ill go through em all one by one
Stoped trying to hit that homerun

No more playing fair
Turn every meeting into an affair
Walk into a bar, long flowin hair,
body like a pear, a sight so rare
like from a prayer, pull up a chair
set the snare, when unaware
pull him near, a "I want you" glare
in his chest place the twin D pair
you wanna share? Everyone stare
Like I care? When he ask where
Ill respond, Right here

If they later throw a fit
Ill just say,
dont you testdrive a car befor you buy it?
You had a limited permit and I must admit
you wernt very fit, not even a little bit
With a not so impressive tool kit
now I need a new hit
so Im sorry but, I gotta split!

H2: x2

Who want strings when you can have it all
Ill play this right, wont dropp the ball
You want this doll? Then you better crawl
If lucky I might invite you behind my abdominal wall
Ill be your fall if you just stand tall

Av Cecilia Jäder - 8 mars 2012 08:35
Looking back makes me feel sick
Everythin moves slow as if the air was thick
Raised in a world where beating women was okej
He used her head as a ball in games of crokey
Everyone knew, I could see it in their face
ya'll keept playing baseball, coverd your own base
If your neighbour is in troubble just close the blinds
You didnt see, you didnt know, and no one minds
Ten years of abuse befor he stod trial
Sentance so weak it wasnt even worthwhile
Three months is all that he got
This world totaly fucked or what?
If Id been there I would've ghosted that judge
Your damn right Im holding a fucking grudge
I wanna give that lawman a piece of my mind
Scratsh his eyes out give him the excuse to be blind


Stuck in my mind
Nightmares of the past
The world was blind
and I wasnt even asked

You all just accept
Look the other way
For those who overstepp
But its yourself you betray

Bearly human after his lessons
Grade A student at all the sessions
My skin got tough as my heart went cold
Followed his lead and I did what I was told
Lost the point in letting people in
Exept for the occational night of sin
Everymorning its the same display
Me turning over, telling him to go away
From far I look ok, not so much in a closeup
Always wanted you dead for fucking me up
Never thought Id act on those wishes
untill I saw the face of your new mrs
She was walking around town, face black and blue
So you got a new bitch and your beating her too
Youve gotten away with that shit far to long
Ill make sure that you see where you went wrong


The things that Ive planned to do to you
Makes me think Ive lost more then 1 screw
It wouldnt be enough to put a bullet in your head
No I wanna make you wish that you were dead
Gonna hunt you down like the dog you are
I have a show planned and you are the star
I will have my revenge, Gonna taste so sweet
Like cremed egg, my fav, such a treat
Hope this serves you as a warning
Thank God for every day you wake up in the morning
How many stories like these do you have to see
Raice your voice! This is not how it should be
When the laws dont work to protect the weak
Then there is something here that fucking reak
If this is all we get then Id rather pass
You can take your laws and shuv em up your ass

Hook: x2
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